DANA CETOP Valves and blocks - Flow control

DANA CETOP Valves and blocks Flow control
Feature | DANA CETOP Valves and blocks – Flow control
QC32 series
2 Way compensated flow rate regulators with adjustable ΔP. Compensated flow regulators with antijump system and adjustable differential pressure can be defined as hydraulic power control units. Their design is suitable to circuits in which the flow rate has to be automatically operated as a function of the actuator working pressure. For application requirements, please contact our technical service that can help you to chose the right valve and use it properly.
QC33 series
3 way compensated flow rate regulators. This regulator type can be used whenever it is necessary to obtain a constant fluid flow irrespective of the pressure variations present upstream or downstream. It is fitted with a third T line for discharging any excessive flow rate. When the reverse flow check valve is needed the check valve holder type “AM3ABU3…”can be fitted underneath the valve.
QCV32 series
Compensated flow regulators with antijump system and adjustable differential pressure can be defined as hydraulic power control units. Their design is suitable to circuits in which the flow rate has to be automatically operated as a function of the actuator working pressure.
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