DANA CETOP Valves and blocks - Modular valves

DANA CETOP Valves and blocks Modular valves
Feature | DANA CETOP Valves and blocks – Modular valves
The directional control valces NG4 are designed for subplate mouniting with an interface in accordance with UNI ISO 4401-02-01-0-94 standard (ex CETOP R 35 H 4.2-4-02), and are the smallest on the market in their whilst still featuring excellent performance.
The use of solenoids with wet armatures ensures quiet operation, ,means that dynamic seals are no longer required and important levels of counter-pressure are accepted on the return line. THe solenoid’s tube is screwed at value body directly, while a locking ring nut seal the coil in right position.
The cast body with a great care in the design and production of the ducts of the 5 chambers have made it possible to improve the spools allowing relatively high flow rate with low pressure drops (∆p).
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