DANA CETOP Valves and blocks - Pressure control

DANA CETOP Valves and blocks Pressure control
Feature | DANA CETOP Valves and blocks – Pressure control
VP – VE – VL series
These pressure control valves are available in the basic VMP* maximum pressure, VSP* sequence and VUP* exclusion versions, with a single pressure value and three calibration ranges that cover the band 15 ÷ 400 bar. It is possible to use auxiliary pilot valves, which can be the simple standard AD3E solenoid valve, by the mere exchange of covers.
PV5 – PU5 series
Pressure reducing and sequencing valves CETOP 5/NG10. These subplate mounting piloted type pressure reducing and sequencing valves ensure a minimum variation in their calibrated pressure value with changing fl ow rate. They are normally supplied with internal piloting and internal drainage on B, but they are already provided with a hole on the front
PV3 – PU3 series
Pressure reducing and sequencing valves CETOP 3/NG6. These subplate mounting piloted type pressure reducing and sequencing valves ensure a minimum variation in their calibrated pressure value with changing flow rate. They are normally supplied with internal piloting and internal drainage on B, but they are already provided with a hole on the front cover to allow for external drainage.
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